Are You Trying New Ranges?

It's an interesting position being a buyer for a homewares/gift store.  Buying in ranges that you love and your customers may or may not. Here at LaVida we have a very varied range of customers, boutiques, garden centres, post offices and pharmacies to name just a few, so are very mindful to stock something new for all of these types of customers, from the young to the old, from the country to the beach and from the small budget buyers to the more frivolous.

With that in mind, its an interesting subject, do you buy in what you love and nothing more or are you more concerned with what will sell and put your personal taste on the back burner.

What we find most interesting is that when we launch a new range of wholesale gift or decor that trying something you thought might not be a winner can often turn out to be just that.  The range of soaps or signs for example that you thought you might pass on, has suddenly become one of our best selling ranges, but now you find its almost sold out.  

Given that we introduce so many new range every few weeks, be brave and try something different, try and entice a new type of customer in store by maybe offering a range of more kitchen based products or pet products.  Create a new wall of mirrors or signs of photo frames.  Introduce a  Sale table or a whole new range of beach decor or colour themed displays.

Mixing it up and keeping it fresh is key to ensuring that your customers and new customers keep coming through the door.

So try a new range next time you place an order and see if its a winner!

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