Scented Candles

The idea of scented candles is that they provide a pleasing aroma especially when they are lit. The concept of aromatherapy is reputed to be quite therapeutic. It is true that scent is one of the most remarkably powerful of they sense. A single whiff of the right smell can bring forth a torrent of memories from years or decades prior that were long since forgotten. It could be the smell of a brand of soap that your kindergarten teacher favoured or the scent of a flower that stands out from a particular summer. Even though humans have a sense of smell that is downright weak when compared to other animals scent still provides a significant notion. When decorating the home or place of business take in to consideration all of the senses including smell by using scented candles.


Lavender is a sweet smelling and physically attractive herb that originates in the Old World. It is widely cultivated for ornamental, medical and culinary uses, as well as in order to extract the essential oils. Lavender oil is used to manufacture a wide range of aromatherapy products including soaps, perfumes and scented candles. Lavender is a popular scent for candles that is supposed to be very relaxing. Therefore aromatherapists recommend scents like lavender for those who are interested in stress relief. When housing lavender scented candles consider using purple or violet candleholders.


A rose by any other name is a woody perennial that is characterized by its large blossoms and thorny stems. The beautiful flowers of the rose combined with their pleasing aroma has made them one of the most genetically successful plants in the world. Most species of rose are native to the Old World and the word 'rose' is French in origin. Most often roses are used for ornamental reasons such as a shrub or in a floral arrangement. They are also widely used by perfumers to manufacture beautiful smelling products. Rose scented candles are considered to be ideal for romantics as well as gardeners.


The gardenia is a species of jasmine that is also closely related to coffee plants. They are a tropical flower that is native to the rainforests of Australasia, Oceania and Africa.  They evergreen plants with broad shiny leaves are prized for their powerful scent.  It also has medical and culinary uses especially in Southeast Asia. Gardenias produce a strong smelling oil that is commonly manufactured into a wide range of aromatherapy products and perfumes. The sweet smell of a gardenia candle is ideal for lovers of the classics. Keep in mind that the strong perfume of gardenias may affect more sensitive noses.


The vanilla plant was first introduced to the Spanish by the native tribes of Central and South America. It is actually a type of orchid that is native to Mesoamerica. The pure, spicy and delicate flavour of vanilla is highly prized for cooking desserts and making scented candles. In fact it is the second most expensive spice to cultivate after saffron. Today it is so popular that it is grown all over the world including Madagascar. Vanilla scented candles have a sugary smell that is reminiscent of ice cream or sugar cookies. This makes vanilla candles ideal for young people or those with a sweet tooth.


Patchouli is a bushy herb with small, pale flowers that is closely related to mint. The plant is native to Asia where it is extensively grown. The heavy smell of patchouli has been used to make incense and perfumes for ages. It is also an effective insect repellent. Today Patchouli is used to perfume everything from laundry detergent to paper towels to candles. The distinctive smell of patchouli is somewhat of an acquired taste that does not work for everyone. If you are not used to being around patchouli you may find the powerful aroma displeasing.  Patchouli scented candles are often used by bohemian types.


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