Boxes - Seawash - Set 2

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  • Code: J1405-2
  • Size: 24x9x16 cm/21x12x7 cm
Two practical matching storage boxes in a beautiful seawash design.
These boxes are designed with many uses in mind as well as being attractive items to position in the home. With an earthy, low saturation colouring, the boxes meld in perfectly with existing decor and offer compact storage potential for many items. From stationary, knitting and sewing items, trinkets, medals, jewelry, painting equipment, or model soldiers... the list of practical uses goes on. At widths of 24 and 21 cm, the boxes are large enough for many uses, but also compact for easy storage either out of sight, or on display on bookshelves or in display cabinets. The versatile nature and the pleasant appearance of these boxes will make them popular with interior designers and homeowners looking for neat, practical storage solutions. Access to the contents is easy by a simple hinged lid, making viewing of the inside unrestricted. The tan and washed-grey colouring of these boxes, gives them a dreamy, relaxing effect that many will appreciate.