Weave Star - Grey - Large

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  • Code: V9043GR-8
  • Size: 26x26x3 cm
Stars aren't just little balls of gas in the sky; they're so much more than they're given credit for. Whenever you look at them, you can't help but feel calm, at peace, and as if every worry you've been carrying on your shoulders has somehow melted away. You can't always look at the stars in their natural element, but at least you can bring a bit of their wonder into your home.
These large gray Weave Stars allow you to incorporate some of the beauty of the stars into your décor so you can have some of their magic whenever you need a little pick-me-up and a dose of inspiration. If you've been wishing on a star for the perfect little decorative additions to add to your home, wish no more. Whether you place them on a mantle or hang them from a window, they're going to look simply beautiful.